Super Busy


busyFirstly let me apologise for my lack of entries. Let me explain why. Just after I made my last entry I was called up by my old work and asked if I was currently working. Well being the honest person that I am I answered with a” No not at the moment.” This was then followed with “Do you think you could help us out for a couple of weeks while we hire a new staff member” The lady that had replaced me had had a minor car accident on her way home from work and wouldn’t be coming back. (It’s ok she was shaken and not hurt) . As I had been praying for a casual job a few days a week I said Ok.

I turned up the next day and was pulled aside by the boss to be filled in on the latest developments. He said that 2 staff had handed in their 2 weeks notice and were both finishing up on that Friday, I already knew that the other lady had had an accident , some other staff roles were doing a bit of a shuffle around. He then said that the latest development which had happened that night was the landlord had come to him with a proporsition. Two other businesses in the complex wanted to make changes to their leasing arrangements, this meant that we had a choice to make, -Stay or Go. His initial thought was to get out, shut up shop, walk away and get a regular job. I let him know that If that was their decision I would help out in anyway I could. (I know how hard the last 4years have been, I have seen the stress on his face creating grey circles under his eyes and a sullen look on exceptionally bad days) Because of this I was not going to talk him out of this.

Ok so it really did look like this was only for a short time, But that was day 1.

Day 2 came around and he had sort out some advice, he was Not going to close but was going to move premises and hence save hugely on the rent, just to name one saving. There was also some solid advice given on restructuring the business.

Over the next 3 months we prepared in any way we could for the move. Premises were found, but we couldn’t sign the lease until he was released from the existing lease, this took extra time as the shop moving in had the vital manager overseas. He finally returned and signed. Then the whirlwind began, We vacated a large shop over a long weekend with the use of volunteer help. And then were half up and running while unpacking and setting up for the next 3 weeks. All the while still measuring, quoting, ordering and delivering jobs. Whew, we never missed a beat. Then it was time for the mad panic to set in while it was realised that the emailed orders from our biggest client had reverted to an old obsolete address and were not getting through. There was a mass of orders that were backlogged and had to be measured, ordered and made almost yesterday. AAAHHHHHH many sleepless nights and hundreds of very strong phonecalls, the crisis eventually eased.

As we moved closer to Christmas, I also began to train a new staff member to take over from me. My 2 week help out had turned into 6months.

I have 1 week left of my time to go before I move onto my new adventure.  Hopefully I will have a little more time to blog.

Once again I am sorry for my absence, I hope my followers will understand and cheer me on in my new adventure.

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